Package: fmsb 0.7.6

fmsb: Functions for Medical Statistics Book with some Demographic Data

Several utility functions for the book entitled "Practices of Medical and Health Data Analysis using R" (Pearson Education Japan, 2007) with Japanese demographic data and some demographic analysis related functions.

Authors:Minato Nakazawa <[email protected]>

fmsb.pdf |fmsb.html
fmsb/json (API)

# Install 'fmsb' in R:
install.packages('fmsb', repos = c('', ''))



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7.74 score 3 stars 23 packages 1.9k scripts 14k downloads 111 mentions 75 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 1 years agofrom:71cdc38908. Checks:9 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 15 2025
R-4.5-winOKMar 15 2025
R-4.5-macOKMar 15 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 15 2025
R-4.4-winOKMar 15 2025
R-4.4-macOKMar 15 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 15 2025
R-4.3-winOKMar 15 2025
R-4.3-macOKMar 15 2025



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Caretaker RatioCaretakerRatio
Coale and McNeil's model nupitiality and its fittingCM fitCM
Calculate Cronbach's alpha coefficient.CronbachAlpha
Coale and Trussell's model marital fertility and its fittingCT fitCT
Denny's model mortality for lx and its fittingDenny fitDenny
Geary's test for normality about kurtosis.geary.test
Gompertz-Makeham's model mortality for u(x) and its fittingfitGM GompertzMakeham
Draw the stem and leaf plot in a graphic device.gstem
Tentative model population of Japan in Heisei 27 (2015)H27MPJ
Hadwiger's model fertility and its fittingfitHad Hadwiger
Index of dissimilarity (ID)IndexOfDissimilarity
Calculate a incidence rate with confidence intervalIRCI
Calculate incidence rate with its confidence intervals by exact methodIRCIPois
Calculate pooled incidence rate difference and its confidence intervals with Mantel-Haenszel's methodIRDMH
Calculate pooled incidence rate ratio and its confidence intervals with Mantel-Haenszel's methodIRRMH
Japanese mortality dataJASM
Age-specific fertility rates and age-specific marital fertility rates in Japan.Jfert
Completed lifetables in Japan.Jlife
Japanese population dataJpop
Japanese population data (unshrunken version)Jpopl
Longitudinal data of several vital statistics in JapanJvital
Cross sectional data of several vital statistics in Japan 2013 for each prefectureJvital2013byPref
Calculate Cohen's kappa statistics for agreementKappa.test
Lifetable functions with mutual conversionsclifetable dxtolx dxtoqx getax hlifetable Jp2010s lifetable lifetable2 lifetable3 lxtodx lxtoqx mxtoqx qxtodx qxtolx qxtomx uxtoqx
Draw maternity history charts.mhchart
Calculate Nagelkerke's R squared.NagelkerkeR2
Calculate odds ratio and its confidence intervalsoddsratio
Calculate pooled odds ratio and its confidence intervals with Mantel-Haenszel's methodORMH
Exact version of pairwise.prop.testpairwise.fisher.test
Population Expansion IndexPEI
Convert numeric vector into its percentilepercentile
Changes of life expectancy at birth for each prefecture in Japan since 1965Prefe0
Years of Life Lost by several causes in Japan 2010 for each prefecturePrefYLL2010
Years of Life Lost by several causes in Japan 2015 for each prefecturePrefYLL2015
Years of Life Lost by several causes in Japan 2020 for each prefecturePrefYLL2020
Drawing p-value function plot by a cross tablepvalueplot
Drawing p-value function plot by stratified or pooled cross tablespvpORMH
Drawing radar chart (a.k.a. spider plot)radarchart radarchartcirc
Calculate incidence rate difference and its confidence intervalsratedifference
Calculate incidence rate ratio and its confidence intervalsrateratio
Calculate risk and its confidence intervalRCI
Calculate pooled risk difference and its confidence intervals with Mantel-Haenszel's methodRDMH
Calculate risk difference and its confidence intervalsriskdifference
Calculate risk ratio and its confidence intervalsriskratio
Calculate Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curveplot.roc print.roc roc
Calculate pooled risk ratio and its confidence intervals with Mantel-Haenszel's methodRRMH
Model population of Japan in Showa 60 (1985)S60MPJ
Siler's model mortality for qx and its fittingfitSiler Siler
Calculate semi-interquartile rangeSIQR
Calculate Spearman's rank correlation with its confidence intervals by SAS
Calculate true median for data with ties.truemedian
Calculate variance inflation factor (VIF) from the result of lm.VIF
Whipple's IndexWhipplesIndex